31 August 2023

Spring Inversion of Control - learngreen.net

Spring Inversion of Control

Have you ever considered the detailed design and flawless integration of software applications? "Inversion of Control," frequently referred to as IoC, is one of the fundamental ideas that underpin the development of well-organized and maintainable software. We'll examine IoC in this post and how the Spring framework, a well-liked Java-based framework for creating applications, implements it.

Inversion of Control (IoC):-

The term "inversion of control" in software development refers to a design philosophy where program flow control is "inverted" or relocated from the application code to an external framework. Simply put, the framework supervises and regulates how numerous components interact, as opposed to your code directing how each action is carried out.

Consider it similar to a chef in a restaurant. The chef waits for the ingredients to be delivered rather than going to the market to buy them. Similarly, in IoC, rather than having your code fetch everything, your application waits for external resources or components to be delivered by the framework.

IoC is crucial, so why?

IoC offers a number of advantages, including:-

IoC promotes the modularization of applications by breaking them up into smaller, independent components. As a result, the code is easier to manage, reuse, and test.

Flexibility: Since the framework controls how components are connected to one another, it is simpler to update or replace components without having to make significant code modifications.

Testing: Using IoC, you may quickly replace real components with fake components to narrow the scope of your tests. 

The Spring framework is renowned for its powerful implementation of Inversion of Control. It achieves IoC through a concept called "Dependency Injection," where the necessary components (dependencies) of a class are provided from the outside, typically through constructor arguments or method calls.

Consider creating a music player application. A MediaPlayer is required for the MusicPlayer class to work. Spring will inject a MediaPlayer for you rather than having you create one inside the MusicPlayer class.

      public class MusicPlayer {
      private MediaPlayer mediaPlayer;

       // Constructor-based Dependency Injection
        public MusicPlayer(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) {
        this.mediaPlayer = mediaPlayer;

          public void play() {

 The MusicPlayer class in the code above doesn't generate a MediaPlayer object on its own. In its place, it depends on Spring to supply it via the constructor. In this manner, the MusicPlayer class cedes control of dependency management to the Spring framework.

Spring configuration

Spring needs to be aware of how to generate and wire these components in order to accomplish this IoC magic. This is accomplished through configuration, frequently through XML or more contemporary techniques like Java configuration classes and annotations.

Here's an example of XML-based configuration for our MusicPlayer and MediaPlayer

  <beans xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xsi:schemalocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd">

    <bean class="com.example.MediaPlayerImpl" id="mediaPlayer">
    <bean class="com.example.MusicPlayer" id="musicPlayer">
        <constructor-arg ref="mediaPlayer">


In this XML, we define two beans mediaPlayer and musicPlayer. The constructor-arg element tells Spring to inject the MediaPlayer bean into the MusicPlayer constructor.

 Annotations for Configuration:-

Modern Spring development often uses annotations for configuration. Here's how the same configuration could look using annotations

   public class AppConfig {
      public MediaPlayer mediaPlayer( ) {
        return new MediaPlayerImpl( );

      public MusicPlayer musicPlayer( ) {
        return new MusicPlayer(mediaPlayer( ));

 In this Java-based configuration, the @Bean annotation marks methods provide beans. The musicPlayer method shows that it depends on the MediaPlayer bean.

A strong idea known as "inversion of control" improves software architecture by transferring the management of components to an external framework. The Dependency Injection implementation of IoC in Spring significantly aids in the development of modular, adaptable, and simple-to-test systems.

Understanding IoC and how Spring implements it gives you a powerful tool to build dependable and maintainable software systems. Therefore, keep in mind that the framework is there to manage the elements while you concentrate on producing a masterpiece the next time you design an application with Spring.

Know about XML:-

The abbreviation "XML" stands for "eXtensible Markup Language." It is a well-liked format for showing structured data in a way that is usable by both machines and people. XML is used to define and describe the structure of data using tags and attributes as a markup language. It's not a computer language.

XML is suitable for a range of applications since it was designed to be adaptable and self-descriptive. It is often used for data interchange between numerous platforms, applications, and systems, notably online.

Tags that describe the structure and meaning of the data are contained within XML documents. These tags are enclosed in text using angle brackets (>). The two sorts of tags are opening tags and closing tags with the closing tag having a forward slash (/) before the tag name.

   <pre><code class="java">
    <title>Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone</title>
    <author>J.K. Rowling</author>

XML documents can also have attributes that provide additional information about elements. Attributes are specified within the opening tag of an element.
For example:-

  <pre><code class="java">
 <book language="English" genre="Fantasy">
    <title>Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone</title>
    <author>J.K. Rowling</author>

In this example, the <book> element has attributes of language and genre that provide more context about the book.
XML is employed in a variety of situations, such as:-
Data Exchange: XML is frequently used to transfer structured data across various applications and systems. It's a popular option for web services and APIs.
XML files are frequently used by software programs to store configuration settings. These files specify how the application ought to operate or relate to outside resources.
Web Documents:- XML serves as the foundation for other languages, such as XHTML, which are used to organize content on the internet.
Structured data is stored using XML in several databases and data storage programs.
Document Formats:-  The creation of document formats like the Open XML format used by Microsoft Office was made possible by XML.
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), a protocol for sharing structured information in the implementation of online services, uses XML as the message format.
RDF and ontologies:- To represent and link data on the web, semantic web technologies like Resource Description Framework (RDF) employ XML.
In spite of the fact that XML is still widely used, other forms like JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) have become more popular recently, particularly for web APIs. When data needs to be transferred between online apps and browsers, JSON is frequently preferred.

Know about Configuration:-
   In the world of computers and technology, we perform a process known as "configuration" when we want a system, piece of software, or component to operate exactly how we want it to. This implies that we modify the behavior and settings to suit our preferences or needs. It's similar to giving precise directions to get the desired results.

During configuration, we set up many elements such as options, choices, and rules that regulate how a particular system or piece of software performs its function. What we refer to in the computer sector as "configuration" is the process of setting up these specifics. Configuration is great because it allows us to alter how something functions without altering other aspects of it. 

Consider customizing your smartphone. You can choose your preferred ringtone, wallpaper image, or internet connection. It's similar to customizing your technology to match your needs.

Here are some illustrations of what configuration entails in various situations:-

Software Applications:- After installing a software program, you frequently need to customize it by changing its default behavior and setting preferences for things like language, theme, notifications, and notification settings. For instance, you can customize the font size, default page layout, and auto-save frequency in a word editing program.

Network Devices:- In order to establish how they handle network traffic, routers, switches, and other network devices need to be configured. Setting up IP addresses, security protocols, and Quality of Service (QoS) settings are all included in this.
Web servers:- Configuration is required for web servers to determine which files to provide, how to respond to various request types and security settings. This aids in figuring out how users are presented on a website.

Operating Systems:- It is possible to customize how an operating system behaves for a given user. This entails configuring user accounts, power management settings, and display settings.

Web applications:- Configuration files for web applications are frequently included and allow you to specify variables such as database connection information, authentication procedures, and application-specific settings.

Hardware:- Even tangible hardware, like as printers, cameras, and displays, frequently needs to be configured in order to function effectively with the linked system.

Choosing how a system should operate or interact with its environment is the essence of configuration. It's an essential step to ensuring that technology conforms to your preferences, needs, and operational requirements and works the way you want it to.

What is Bean in Java Spring?

A managed object that is produced, configured, and managed by the framework itself is referred to as a "bean" in the context of software development, especially in frameworks like Spring. The term "bean" is only a convenient way to refer to these things; it has nothing to do with the edible variety of bean.

A bean in the Spring framework is a Java class instance that the Spring container creates and manages. A variety of application components are represented by beans, which also contain the characteristics and behavior of those components.

What a bean is and how it's utilized in spring are described as follows:-

Beans are examples of classes that adhere to rules and are managed by the Spring IoC (Inversion of Control) container. They are referred to as managed objects. This indicates that the creation, initialization, and maintenance of the bean's lifecycle fall under the purview of the Spring framework.

Beans are often configured via XML documents, Java-based configuration classes, or annotations. This configuration outlines the properties of the bean, any dependencies it may have, and how the bean should be produced.

Dependency Injection (DI), which is closely related to beans, is one of the fundamental components of Spring. With DI, the container injects a bean's dependencies—the other beans it depends on—into the bean. By encouraging loose connectivity between components, the code becomes more maintainable and modular.

Beans in Spring are singletons by default, which means that the Spring container only produces one instance of each bean and reuses it anytime that bean is requested.

Various scopes for beans can be defined in Spring, including singleton (one instance per container), prototype (a new instance is created each time), request (one instance per HTTP request), and more.

AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming):- Beans are used in Spring's AOP features. Cross-cutting problems are handled through aspects, which are unique classes that Spring handles as beans.

Customization:- To represent various components of the application, including services, data sources, controllers, and more, developers can design their own unique custom beans. This encourages modularity and the division of concerns.

<bean id="userService" class="com.example.UserService">
    <!-- Property Injection -->
    <property name="userRepository" ref="userRepository"/>
    <bean id="userRepository" class="com.example.UserRepository"/>

A userService bean and a userRepository bean are defined in this example. The Spring container will make sure that the userRepository bean gets injected into the userService bean because the userService bean depends on the userRepository object.

A managed object that contains the behavior and properties of a component is known as a bean in the context of the Spring framework. The creation, initialization, and administration of beans are handled by Spring's IoC container, enabling more organized, modular, and maintainable program development.

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