16 August 2023

File Handling In Java - learngreen.net


File Handling In Java

  Java File Handling is the technique of interacting with files on your computer by utilizing Java programming. It's comparable to handling papers and folders, but it's done online. You can read information from files, insert new information into files, check to see if files are there, create new folders, remove old files, and more. You can simply complete all of these chores thanks to Java. When you want to know what's within, Java makes it easy to open files, read the contents, and comprehend their meaning. You can save your own thoughts in a file, just like you would a note on your computer. 

  Java even aids in determining whether a file is present or not, much as determining whether your favorite toy is still in your room. Java can help you create new folders if you wish to arrange your data better. It's comparable to designating a particular location for your drawings or storybooks. And when you decide you no longer need something, Java can assist you in getting rid of it, much like getting rid of old clothing that doesn't suit you any longer. To assist you in doing all of these tasks, Java has unique tools that resemble magic wands. These programs let you read, write, check, organize, and clean up computer files. 

For a variety of applications, such as the following, Java File Handling is crucial

Data Persistence:- Applications that need to save user preferences, configuration settings, or other persistent information must be able to store and retrieve data from files.

Data Import and Export:- File handling is used to export data for sharing with other systems and to read data from external sources (like CSV files).

Logging:- To keep logs and record events, which is crucial for monitoring and debugging, many programs employ files.

Create, rename, move, and delete files and directories using the file management feature of file handling.

Text processing:- Reading text files is a frequent use case for parsing, analyzing, or changing the text.

Serialization:- Java's object serialization technology enables the saving and later reconstruction of objects into files.

Java File Handling uses a number of important classes and interfaces, including

File:- Displays the location of a file or directory. It offers ways to create, delete, and check for existence, among other things.

A file's raw bytes are read using the FileInputStream.

FileOutputStream:- Creates a file with raw bytes in it.

The FileReader program reads text from files.

Writes characters to a file using FileWriter.

BufferedReader:- Uses buffering to effectively read characters from a file.

BufferedWriter:- Uses buffering to effectively write characters to a file.

Reading basic data kinds from files is done using DataInputStream.

DataOutputStream:- Creates files for writing simple data types.

The deserialization tool ObjectInputStream reads objects from a file.

ObjectOutputStream:- Serializes objects by writing them to a file.

Allows reading and writing at a precise location within a file with the RandomAccessFile feature.

Java File Handling aids programmers in securely and effectively managing files. It makes it simpler to concentrate on the application logic itself by abstracting various low-level difficulties, such as accessing and shutting files, buffering data, and managing exceptions.

 package Java;
 import java.io.BufferedReader;
 import java.io.FileReader;
 import java.io.IOException;
 public class SumFromFile {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 try {
 // Open the file for reading
// You need to put actual location of your .txt file
 FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("numbers.txt");
 BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
 // Initialize variables
 String line;
 int sum = 0;
 // Read and process each line in the file
 while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
 // Parse the line to an integer and update the sum
 int number = Integer.parseInt(line);
 sum += number;
 // Close the BufferedReader
 // Print the sum of numbers
 System.out.println("Sum of numbers: " + sum);
        } catch (IOException e) {
 // Handle any IO exceptions


  Java's fundamental concept of streams encourages efficient and flexible data processing. Streams are groups of data elements that can be handled concurrently or sequentially. Java streams deal with in-memory data processing; input/output streams, which read and write data to files and other sources, are not the same thing.

Streams provide a strong way for performing operations on data collections (such arrays or lists) without the need for explicit loops. They promote more declarative and functional programming, which produces more understandable and readable code. The Stream API was made available in Java 8 as a part of the Java Collections Framework.

The following are some essential ideas about Java streams:

A stream always begins with a source, which could be a generator function, an I/O channel, an array, a collection (such as a List or Set), or even a list.

Operations that transform the data in the stream are referred to as intermediate operations. They don't start running until a terminal action is called. Filter, map, flatMap, distinct, sorted, and other examples are only a few.

Operations with a result or a side effect are referred to as terminal operations. All prior intermediate operations are reviewed when a terminal operation is carried out. ForEach, collect, reduce, count, and anyMatch are a few examples.

A pipeline is a series of beginning, middle, and ending procedures used on a stream. In order to obtain the required result, you can chain together several actions using pipelines.

Streams are inherently lazy, because they only perform intermediate operations when a terminal operation calls for them. As a result, optimizations like short-circuiting are possible, in which operations can halt once a particular need is met.

Java streams are easily parallelized, making it possible to process big datasets on multi-core computers more effectively. A stream can be changed into a parallel stream using the parallelStream( ) function.

 package Java;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 public class StreamDemo {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 List fruits = new ArrayList<>();
 /* Using a stream to filter and
  * print fruits starting with 'A'
 fruits.stream().filter(fruit -> fruit.startsWith("A")).forEach(System.out::println); 



 Methods For File Handling :-

You may conduct a range of operations on files and directories using Java's methods and classes for managing files. These methods, which are a part of the Java standard library, provide a variety of features for effectively working with files. Some of the frequently used Java classes and methods for handling files are listed below

File Class Techniques

exists( ) determines whether a directory or file exists.

isFile( ) determines whether the given path leads to a standard file.

isDirectory( ) determines whether the given path leads to a directory.

The getName( ) function returns the file or directory name.

The path of the file or directory is returned by getPath( ).

getParent( ) returns the path to the parent directory.

createNewFile( ) :- Produces a brand-new, blank file.

Creates a directory with mkdir( ).

If the parent directories don't already exist, mkdirs() creates them.

delete() removes a file or a directory that is empty.

lists the file and directory names in a directory using the list() function.

listFiles( ) :- For files and directories in a directory, this function returns an array of File objects.

FileOutputStream writes data to a file. FileInputStream reads data from a file.

FileOutputStream :- Creates a file with bytes in it.

Reader and writer of files :-

The FileReader program reads text from files.

Writes characters to a file using FileWriter.

Reading and writing buffers :-

BufferedReader :- Uses buffering to effectively read characters from a file.

BufferedWriter :- Uses buffering to effectively write characters to a file.

data input and output streams :-

Reading basic data kinds from files is done using DataInputStream.

DataOutputStream :- Creates files for writing simple data types.

InputStream for objects and OutputStream for objects :-

The deserialization tool ObjectInputStream reads objects from a file.

ObjectOutputStream :- Serializes objects by writing them to a file.

Allows reading and writing at a precise location within a file with the RandomAccessFile feature.

NIO (New I/O) Classes (Java NIO package) :- Java NIO offers classes for buffer-oriented, non-blocking, and channel-based I/O operations as an alternative to conventional I/O operations. The classes Path, Files, ByteBuffer, and Channels are a few important ones.

These are only a few of the numerous classes and methods that are available in Java for managing files. You can select the proper classes and methods to efficiently read, write, manipulate, and manage files and directories in your Java programs depending on your needs.

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