31 August 2023

Spring Inversion of Control - learngreen.net

Spring Inversion of Control

Have you ever considered the detailed design and flawless integration of software applications? "Inversion of Control," frequently referred to as IoC, is one of the fundamental ideas that underpin the development of well-organized and maintainable software. We'll examine IoC in this post and how the Spring framework, a well-liked Java-based framework for creating applications, implements it.

Inversion of Control (IoC):-

The term "inversion of control" in software development refers to a design philosophy where program flow control is "inverted" or relocated from the application code to an external framework. Simply put, the framework supervises and regulates how numerous components interact, as opposed to your code directing how each action is carried out.

Consider it similar to a chef in a restaurant. The chef waits for the ingredients to be delivered rather than going to the market to buy them. Similarly, in IoC, rather than having your code fetch everything, your application waits for external resources or components to be delivered by the framework.

IoC is crucial, so why?

IoC offers a number of advantages, including:-

IoC promotes the modularization of applications by breaking them up into smaller, independent components. As a result, the code is easier to manage, reuse, and test.

Flexibility: Since the framework controls how components are connected to one another, it is simpler to update or replace components without having to make significant code modifications.

Testing: Using IoC, you may quickly replace real components with fake components to narrow the scope of your tests. 

The Spring framework is renowned for its powerful implementation of Inversion of Control. It achieves IoC through a concept called "Dependency Injection," where the necessary components (dependencies) of a class are provided from the outside, typically through constructor arguments or method calls.

Consider creating a music player application. A MediaPlayer is required for the MusicPlayer class to work. Spring will inject a MediaPlayer for you rather than having you create one inside the MusicPlayer class.

      public class MusicPlayer {
      private MediaPlayer mediaPlayer;

       // Constructor-based Dependency Injection
        public MusicPlayer(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) {
        this.mediaPlayer = mediaPlayer;

          public void play() {

 The MusicPlayer class in the code above doesn't generate a MediaPlayer object on its own. In its place, it depends on Spring to supply it via the constructor. In this manner, the MusicPlayer class cedes control of dependency management to the Spring framework.

Spring configuration

Spring needs to be aware of how to generate and wire these components in order to accomplish this IoC magic. This is accomplished through configuration, frequently through XML or more contemporary techniques like Java configuration classes and annotations.

Here's an example of XML-based configuration for our MusicPlayer and MediaPlayer

  <beans xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xsi:schemalocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd">

    <bean class="com.example.MediaPlayerImpl" id="mediaPlayer">
    <bean class="com.example.MusicPlayer" id="musicPlayer">
        <constructor-arg ref="mediaPlayer">


In this XML, we define two beans mediaPlayer and musicPlayer. The constructor-arg element tells Spring to inject the MediaPlayer bean into the MusicPlayer constructor.

 Annotations for Configuration:-

Modern Spring development often uses annotations for configuration. Here's how the same configuration could look using annotations

   public class AppConfig {
      public MediaPlayer mediaPlayer( ) {
        return new MediaPlayerImpl( );

      public MusicPlayer musicPlayer( ) {
        return new MusicPlayer(mediaPlayer( ));

 In this Java-based configuration, the @Bean annotation marks methods provide beans. The musicPlayer method shows that it depends on the MediaPlayer bean.

A strong idea known as "inversion of control" improves software architecture by transferring the management of components to an external framework. The Dependency Injection implementation of IoC in Spring significantly aids in the development of modular, adaptable, and simple-to-test systems.

Understanding IoC and how Spring implements it gives you a powerful tool to build dependable and maintainable software systems. Therefore, keep in mind that the framework is there to manage the elements while you concentrate on producing a masterpiece the next time you design an application with Spring.

Know about XML:-

The abbreviation "XML" stands for "eXtensible Markup Language." It is a well-liked format for showing structured data in a way that is usable by both machines and people. XML is used to define and describe the structure of data using tags and attributes as a markup language. It's not a computer language.

XML is suitable for a range of applications since it was designed to be adaptable and self-descriptive. It is often used for data interchange between numerous platforms, applications, and systems, notably online.

Tags that describe the structure and meaning of the data are contained within XML documents. These tags are enclosed in text using angle brackets (>). The two sorts of tags are opening tags and closing tags with the closing tag having a forward slash (/) before the tag name.

   <pre><code class="java">
    <title>Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone</title>
    <author>J.K. Rowling</author>

XML documents can also have attributes that provide additional information about elements. Attributes are specified within the opening tag of an element.
For example:-

  <pre><code class="java">
 <book language="English" genre="Fantasy">
    <title>Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone</title>
    <author>J.K. Rowling</author>

In this example, the <book> element has attributes of language and genre that provide more context about the book.
XML is employed in a variety of situations, such as:-
Data Exchange: XML is frequently used to transfer structured data across various applications and systems. It's a popular option for web services and APIs.
XML files are frequently used by software programs to store configuration settings. These files specify how the application ought to operate or relate to outside resources.
Web Documents:- XML serves as the foundation for other languages, such as XHTML, which are used to organize content on the internet.
Structured data is stored using XML in several databases and data storage programs.
Document Formats:-  The creation of document formats like the Open XML format used by Microsoft Office was made possible by XML.
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), a protocol for sharing structured information in the implementation of online services, uses XML as the message format.
RDF and ontologies:- To represent and link data on the web, semantic web technologies like Resource Description Framework (RDF) employ XML.
In spite of the fact that XML is still widely used, other forms like JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) have become more popular recently, particularly for web APIs. When data needs to be transferred between online apps and browsers, JSON is frequently preferred.

Know about Configuration:-
   In the world of computers and technology, we perform a process known as "configuration" when we want a system, piece of software, or component to operate exactly how we want it to. This implies that we modify the behavior and settings to suit our preferences or needs. It's similar to giving precise directions to get the desired results.

During configuration, we set up many elements such as options, choices, and rules that regulate how a particular system or piece of software performs its function. What we refer to in the computer sector as "configuration" is the process of setting up these specifics. Configuration is great because it allows us to alter how something functions without altering other aspects of it. 

Consider customizing your smartphone. You can choose your preferred ringtone, wallpaper image, or internet connection. It's similar to customizing your technology to match your needs.

Here are some illustrations of what configuration entails in various situations:-

Software Applications:- After installing a software program, you frequently need to customize it by changing its default behavior and setting preferences for things like language, theme, notifications, and notification settings. For instance, you can customize the font size, default page layout, and auto-save frequency in a word editing program.

Network Devices:- In order to establish how they handle network traffic, routers, switches, and other network devices need to be configured. Setting up IP addresses, security protocols, and Quality of Service (QoS) settings are all included in this.
Web servers:- Configuration is required for web servers to determine which files to provide, how to respond to various request types and security settings. This aids in figuring out how users are presented on a website.

Operating Systems:- It is possible to customize how an operating system behaves for a given user. This entails configuring user accounts, power management settings, and display settings.

Web applications:- Configuration files for web applications are frequently included and allow you to specify variables such as database connection information, authentication procedures, and application-specific settings.

Hardware:- Even tangible hardware, like as printers, cameras, and displays, frequently needs to be configured in order to function effectively with the linked system.

Choosing how a system should operate or interact with its environment is the essence of configuration. It's an essential step to ensuring that technology conforms to your preferences, needs, and operational requirements and works the way you want it to.

What is Bean in Java Spring?

A managed object that is produced, configured, and managed by the framework itself is referred to as a "bean" in the context of software development, especially in frameworks like Spring. The term "bean" is only a convenient way to refer to these things; it has nothing to do with the edible variety of bean.

A bean in the Spring framework is a Java class instance that the Spring container creates and manages. A variety of application components are represented by beans, which also contain the characteristics and behavior of those components.

What a bean is and how it's utilized in spring are described as follows:-

Beans are examples of classes that adhere to rules and are managed by the Spring IoC (Inversion of Control) container. They are referred to as managed objects. This indicates that the creation, initialization, and maintenance of the bean's lifecycle fall under the purview of the Spring framework.

Beans are often configured via XML documents, Java-based configuration classes, or annotations. This configuration outlines the properties of the bean, any dependencies it may have, and how the bean should be produced.

Dependency Injection (DI), which is closely related to beans, is one of the fundamental components of Spring. With DI, the container injects a bean's dependencies—the other beans it depends on—into the bean. By encouraging loose connectivity between components, the code becomes more maintainable and modular.

Beans in Spring are singletons by default, which means that the Spring container only produces one instance of each bean and reuses it anytime that bean is requested.

Various scopes for beans can be defined in Spring, including singleton (one instance per container), prototype (a new instance is created each time), request (one instance per HTTP request), and more.

AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming):- Beans are used in Spring's AOP features. Cross-cutting problems are handled through aspects, which are unique classes that Spring handles as beans.

Customization:- To represent various components of the application, including services, data sources, controllers, and more, developers can design their own unique custom beans. This encourages modularity and the division of concerns.

<bean id="userService" class="com.example.UserService">
    <!-- Property Injection -->
    <property name="userRepository" ref="userRepository"/>
    <bean id="userRepository" class="com.example.UserRepository"/>

A userService bean and a userRepository bean are defined in this example. The Spring container will make sure that the userRepository bean gets injected into the userService bean because the userService bean depends on the userRepository object.

A managed object that contains the behavior and properties of a component is known as a bean in the context of the Spring framework. The creation, initialization, and administration of beans are handled by Spring's IoC container, enabling more organized, modular, and maintainable program development.

29 August 2023

Overview of Spring Framework - learngreen.net


    For Java programmers, the Spring Framework is akin to a superpower. It is incredibly useful and makes the process of developing complicated applications much simpler. It provides a ton of cool features that assist programmers in creating flexible, well-organized, and testable applications. Whether they are tiny projects or complex systems, people use Spring for a variety of purposes.

Consider having a personal assistant now. This assistant excels at managing duties that are typically challenging and time-consuming. They simplify your life by taking care of all these errands. The Spring Framework helps programmers with this. It works like an assistant who handles all the tedious programming tasks so you can concentrate on the enjoyable ones.

You make something called "beans" in the spring. For your program, these beans serve as the building blocks. But here's the fascinating part: these beans are taken care of by Spring's assistant, which we'll call the "container." It aids in their development, configuration, and verification of their flawless operation.

Let's examine a few of Spring's interesting capabilities:

1. Inversion of Control Container:- Having a magic box that generates things for you is what this is like. The box provides what you request after hearing from you. This box serves as the Inversion of Control (IoC) container in Spring. You don't need to worry about it in your code because it takes care of creating and organizing objects.

2. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP):- Occasionally, multiple components of your program must do the same activity, such as security checks or logging. You can segregate these chores from your core code with the aid of Spring. It's similar to having a separate section for these activities, keeping your main code organized.

3. Data Access and Integration:- Assume you want to get information from a sizable database. This is simpler in the spring. It is comparable to having a translator who is bilingual in your language and the language of the database. You can obtain the knowledge you require in this manner without becoming perplexed.

4. Spring MVC:- Spring can be useful if you're creating a website. It functions as a helpful manual that demonstrates how to set up your website. It divides your website into sections so you may work on each section independently without getting lost.

5. Spring Boot:- Spring Boot resembles the sidekick of a superhero. You can start new projects quickly with its assistance. Because Spring Boot has already set up everything for you, you don't need to worry about doing everything from start.

6. Spring Security:- Spring enables you to lock your software to keep it secure, much as you would want to lock your room to keep it safe. It acts as a bodyguard for your program, keeping an eye on it and ensuring that only authorized users can access it.

7. Spring Data:- Spring Data is useful when you need to communicate with many locations to obtain information. It's comparable to having a friend who has the contacts to get the information for you.

8. Spring Integration:- Occasionally, many components of your software need to communicate with one another. They are able to communicate because to spring. Similar to a phone, it links several components so they can communicate and share information.

9. Spring Cloud:- Spring Cloud is your manual if you're creating an app that resides in the cloud (the internet). It aids in setting up and assisting your app in finding other apps.

10. Spring Testing Framework:- Testing is similar to experimenting with a novel dish before preparing a large meal. You can test your software with the aid of Spring to ensure its effectiveness. It functions as a taster for your code.

11. Internationalization and Localization:- Your app may occasionally need to communicate with users who are located in different locations and who speak different languages. Spring is a language expert who facilitates communication with them.

12. Integration and Extensibility:- Spring works well with other systems. It is compatible with various devices and instruments. It resembles a flexible companion who can play in any game.

The Spring Framework is like having a super assistant for your Java apps, to put it simply. It handles the tedious jobs so you may concentrate on the enjoyable activities. Spring is meant to make your programming experience easier and more fun, regardless of whether you're creating a small app or a massive system.

27 August 2023

Regular Expression Java - learngreen.net


Regular expression Java - learngreen.net

  A string of characters known as a regular expression designates a search pattern. It is an effective tool for pattern-based string manipulation, matching, and searching. For tasks like string validation, text processing, and data extraction, regular expressions are utilized in many different programming languages and technologies.

The java.util.regex package in Java contains two primary classes: Pattern and Matcher, which are used to implement regular expressions.

The Java programming language's Pattern class is used to define and communicate with regular expression patterns. It is a part of the package java.util.regex. It provides methods for compiling, storing, and manipulating regular expressions for a range of string matching and manipulation applications. The Pattern class is examined in greater detail here

Making a Pattern Object:- To start using regular expressions, create a Pattern object using the Pattern.compile( ) function. This method compiles the regular expression into an internal representation that may be used to match input strings efficiently.

  package Java;
  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  public class Vv {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  /* Using Pattern.matches() to check if input string matches a pattern */
  /* Pattern:- "Navne.*t"
   * Description: Matches strings that start with "Navne",
   *  have any characters (including none) in between,
   * and end with "t".
  System.out.println(Pattern.matches("Navne.*t", "Navneet")); 
  /* Pattern: "Navne\\*t"
   * Description: Matches the string "Navne*t" 
   * literally, where the '*' character is treated 
   * as a literal '*'.
  System.out.println(Pattern.matches("Navne\\*t", "Navneet"));
  // Output-> true
  //          false


 package Java;
  import java.util.regex.Matcher;
  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  public class PCE {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  // Regular expression pattern to find occurrences of "Java"
  String regex = "\\bJava\\b";
  // Input text
  String text = "Java is a popular programming language. Java is used worldwide.";
  // Compile the regular expression pattern
  Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
  // Create a Matcher object using the compiled pattern
  Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
  // Find and print all occurrences of "Java"
  System.out.println("Occurrences of 'Java':");
  while (matcher.find()) {
  System.out.println("Found at index " + matcher.start());

 compile(String regex)

It is used to create a pattern from the given regular expression.

  Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\d+");

 compile(String regex, int flags)

It is used to create a pattern using the supplied flags and the specified regular expression.

flags( )
It serves to return the match flags for this pattern.

  int flags = pattern.flags( );

 matcher(CharSequence input)

It is utilized to build a matcher that will compare the input received with this pattern.

  boolean matches = pattern.matcher("12345").matches( );

 matches(String regex, CharSequence input)

It attempts to match the input against the specified regular expression after compiling it.

  boolean matches = pattern.matcher("12345").matches( );

 pattern( )

It is used to return the regular expression that was used to create this pattern.

  String regex = pattern.pattern();

 quote(String s)

For the given String, it is used to return a literal pattern String.

split(CharSequence input)

It is used to divide the input sequence that is given around instances of this pattern.

  String[] parts = pattern.split("one 2 three 45");

 split(CharSequence input, int limit)

It is used to divide the input sequence that is given around instances of this pattern. The limit parameter regulates how frequently the pattern is used.

  String[] parts = pattern.split("one 2 three 45", 2); // Results in ["one ", " three 45"]

 toString( )

The string representation of this pattern is returned using it.

Java's Matcher class, which is a component of the java.util.regex package, is used to compare an input string to a regular expression pattern. It offers ways to carry out different matching operations, look for occurrences, and extract matched substrings. Here is a description of the Matcher class's principal methods
By calling the matcher(CharSequence input) method on a Pattern object, you can build a Matcher object. The string you want to compare to the pattern is represented by the CharSequence input.

  Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("pattern");
  Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(inputString);

 Matching Operations:-

The Matcher class provides several methods to perform matching operations:-

matches( ):- This method checks if the entire input sequence matches the pattern.

  boolean isMatch = matcher.matches();

 lookingAt( ):- This method attempts to match the pattern starting at the beginning of the input sequence.

  boolean isMatch = matcher.lookingAt();

 find( ):- This method attempts to find the next subsequence in the input sequence that matches the pattern.

  boolean isFound = matcher.find( );

 Extracting Matched Substrings:-

The following methods are used to extract matched substrings:-

group( ):- Returns the matched substring from the last successful match.

  String matchedText = matcher.group( );

 group(int group):-  Returns the matched substring for the specified capturing group index.

  String groupText = matcher.group(1); // Get matched text for capturing group 1

 start( ) and end( ):- These methods return the start and end indices of the last match, respectively

  int startIndex = matcher.start( );
  int endIndex = matcher.end( );

 start(int group) and end(int group):- Similar to the previous methods, but they provide indices for a specific capturing group.

 int groupStart = matcher.start(1); // Start index of capturing group 1
 int groupEnd = matcher.end(1); // End index of capturing group 1

   In regular expressions, a character class is a way to offer a collection of characters that can all match the same character at a specific point in a string. Using character classes, you can specify a range or a collection of characters that you want to match. They are encapsulated by square brackets [...]. Following is a description of character classes and how they work

Beginner Character Classes

Various Characters The match could be defined as just one character. The character 'a', for instance, will match with [a].

Character Ranges:-  You can specify a range of characters by using a hyphen. For instance, any lowercase letter matches [a-z].

A character class that begins with a caret (') matches any character besides those listed because it is negated. For instance, [0-9] matches every character that is not a digit.

Predefined Character Classes: The regular expression engine in Java supports the following predefined character classes.

\d :matches any digit character(equivalent to [0-9]).

\D: Matches any non-digit character(equal to [0-9]).

(Represented by [a-zA-Z0-9_]) 

\w:  Compatible with all word characters.

\W: Any character that isn't a word can be represented by the character set [a-zA-Z0-9_].

Any whitespace character, such as a space, tab, or newline, is matched by the keyword  \s.

Any character that isn't a blank space that starts with \S matches.

Combining Characters: Within a character class, you can combine characters and character ranges. For instance, any uppercase or lowercase letter matches [A-Za-z].

Escape specific Characters:-  Some characters, such as [ ,   ] ,^ , -,  etc., have specific meanings inside character classes. You must use a backslash ( \ ) to escape these characters if you wish to match them exactly.

26 August 2023

National Space Day

Investigating the Stars:-

Celebrating National Space Day

Each year, on the primary Friday in May, individuals all around the Joined together States come together to celebrate National Space Day. This uncommon day is all approximately looking up at the sky and considering the tremendous universe past our planet Earth. It's a day to memorize, dream, and appreciate the extraordinary world of space.

What is National Space Day?

National Space Day could be a day to celebrate space exploration, science, and innovation. It's a chance for everybody, from youthful understudies to grown-ups, to memorize more about the stars, planets, and everything that exists beyond our climate. It's also a day to honor the astounding researchers, engineers, and space explorers who work difficult to form space disclosures conceivable.

Why is Space Investigation Critical?

Space investigation is critical for numerous reasons. To begin with, it makes a difference for us to learn more approximately our planet. By considering the Soil from space, researchers can better get things like climate designs, climate alterations, and normal catastrophes. Space investigation moreover instructs us about the universe's history and how planets, stars, and worlds shape and alter over time.

Also, space investigation can lead to unused innovations that advantage us on Soil. Numerous things we utilize each day, like GPS gadgets and certain therapeutic apparatuses, were created much obliged to space inquire about. Investigating space can moreover rouse individuals, particularly youthful understudies, to end up curious about science, innovation, engineering, and math (STEM) areas.

How Can You Celebrate National Space Day?

There are numerous fun and instructive ways to celebrate National Space Day. Here are some thoughts:

1. Stargazing:- Discover a clear spot exterior at night, absent from shining lights, and look up at the stars. You might see planets like Venus or Jupiter, and in case you're fortunate, a shooting star!

2. Visit a Planetarium or Science Exhibition hall:-

These places frequently have extraordinary shows approximately space. You'll be able to learn approximately distinctive planets, and worlds, and indeed take a virtual trip through the universe.

3. Observe Space Documentaries or Motion Pictures:- There is a bounty of documentaries and motion pictures almost space investigation that can educate you on curious truths while you're engaged.

4. Perused Space Books:- Visit your nearby library and check out books in approximate space. You'll be able to learn almost the sun-powered framework, astronauts' adventures, and more.

5.  Make Space Makes:- Get imaginative and make your own rockets, planets, or indeed a show of the sun-oriented framework.

6. Learn about space travelers:- Investigate popular space explorers like Neil Armstrong, the first individual to walk on the moon, and Mae Jemison, the primary African-American lady in space.

Keep in mind, that National Space Day isn't around one day of the year. It's an update to keep looking up at the sky, inquiring questions, and investigating the ponders of the universe all year long. Whether you are a future researcher, an eager learner, or basically somebody who's inquisitive, there's a universe of information holding up for you to find!

PM Modi's Visit to Greece Strengthens Their Special Friendship


  India and Greece's relations have recently improved as a result of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent trip to Greece. This visit demonstrated how their friendship is developing and that they hold similar values. Think about the importance of Modi's visit and what it signifies going forward their friendship is strengthened.

The goal of Modi's trip to Greece was to strengthen the amicable ties between the two nations. The two leaders talked about collaborating in a variety of areas, including the economy, culture, and security. This visit was a crucial step in developing their connection and discovering fresh ways to help one another.

Helping One Another Out Financially

How they might support each other's economies was one of the main topics they discussed. India and Greece believe that through cooperating in trade and investment, they can both prosper. They discussed topics like sustainable energy, tourism, ships, and technology. This not only increases the economies of both nations but also provides an opportunity for the sharing of knowledge and discoveries.

Understanding one another's cultures

Leaders from Greece and Prime Minister Modi discussed their diverse cultures and how they may complement one another. They aim to make it simpler for citizens of the two nations to travel there and experience the cultures of the other. 

Cooperating in the Sea

India is also interested in sea exploration, and Greece is known for its ships and sea. They discussed collaborating to keep the sea secure, utilizing it for good, and safeguarding the water's resources. This benefits both nations and enables them to benefit from one another's experiences.

Being good friends everywhere

In the interest of the entire world, India and Greece desire to be friends. They wish to cooperate to create a secure and peaceful planet. They also want to address issues like terrorism and climate change that have an impact on everyone. Their shared desire to support one another in achieving these objectives was evident during PM Modi's visit.

An Important Step in Friendship

PM Modi's visit to Greece was like a giant stride forward in their partnership. The visit demonstrated the desire for both nations to have closer ties and to collaborate on numerous projects. They may help one another, grow together, and demonstrate to the rest of the world how close their friendship is as they go forward.


The visit by PM Modi to Greece is an excellent illustration of how nations can cooperate and foster greater understanding. Their deepening friendship and joint initiatives demonstrate their common desire to improve their nations and the wider world.

NASA SpaceX Crew-7 - Exploring Space Together

 People have always been attracted by space travel, and the NASA SpaceX Crew-7 mission is a brand-new adventure that has our attention. This mission represents a significant advance in our understanding of space and the universe. Learn more about Crew-7 and its significance now.

A Space Force

A unique group of astronauts called Crew-7 is getting ready to launch into space. The cool firm known for producing rockets and spaceships, SpaceX, and NASA are both partners in their project. They are preparing a thrilling, discovery-filled journey together.

The Crew Dragon ride

Crew-7 will travel in space on the Crew Dragon. The astronauts will go there in something akin to a high-tech space taxi known as the International Space Station (ISS). The International Space Station (ISS) is a space laboratory that orbits the Earth. There, the astronauts will conduct a variety of significant experiments.

Education in Space

The opportunity to learn new things is one of the best aspects of Crew-7; it's more than just a trip. In order to better understand how humans could one day survive on other planets, the astronauts will investigate how our bodies respond to space. Additionally, they will learn about how gravity-free environments affect how liquids behave and how plants develop.

Preparing for Launch

The astronauts put in a lot of rehearsal time prior to Crew-7's launch. They pick up safety tips, how to use the spaceship's controls and emergency procedures. The astronauts and their staff take great care in their preparation because everyone wants the trip to be successful and safe.

Motivating Everyone

Not just astronauts and scientists can use Crew-7. It also benefits individuals like you and me. When we observe astronauts cooperating and exploring space, it serves as a reminder that we are capable of incredible feats when we come together. It motivates us to study more about the universe, science, and our surroundings.

The Major Event

The launch of Crew-7 will be a significant event for all parties concerned. individuals applaud as the rocket takes off into the sky, including families, friends, and individuals from all across the world. The astronauts will venture into space and carry out their crucial tasks, demonstrating to us that we can achieve great things if we have perseverance and work as a team.


It's similar to a true-life adventure narrative, NASA SpaceX Crew-7. We are reminded that there are many wonders in space that are just waiting to be discovered on this voyage of exploration, cooperation, and learning. We may dream large and consider all the fantastic things we can accomplish as a team as we observe Crew-7's objective come to fruition.

Mother Teresa


A really exceptional woman named Mother Teresa dedicated her life to serving others. Her kindness and concern have had a lasting effect on the planet. Let's quickly review her life and her important work.

Early Years and the India Trip

Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, who was born in Skopje, North Macedonia, on August 26, 1910, was drawn to kindness from an early age. She left home at the age of 18 to work as a missionary in India, where she eventually adopted the name Sister Teresa.

Charity Missionaries

Sister Teresa established the Missionaries of Charity in 1950. In Calcutta, India, this group concentrated on helping the most vulnerable people. For those in need, it provided refuge, food, and medical attention.

Small Steps, Big Change

Mother Teresa thought that the smallest acts of kindness could have a significant impact. She lives by the adage, "Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love," which sums up her caring way of being of service to others.

The Nobel Peace Prize's Impact

Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her humanitarian efforts. Her legacy of generosity continues to motivate individuals all across the world and serves as a reminder of the impact of compassion.

Recognition and Canonization

Saint Teresa of Calcutta was bestowed upon Mother Teresa in 2016 in recognition of her life of service and love. Her example reminds us that even the most modest deeds of compassion have the power to create great change.

Mother Teresa's legacy endures as proof of the power of kindness. Her example demonstrates how we can all contribute to a more compassionate and peaceful world by showing others kindness and love.


Synchronization in Java - learngreen.net


Synchronization In Java

  By enabling many activities to run concurrently, concurrent programming is essential in the realm of software development for performance optimization. The problem of guaranteeing that several threads can access shared resources without introducing data corruption or unexpected behavior, however, arises with concurrency. Synchronization is useful in this situation. A key feature of Java is synchronization, which gives programmers control over how many threads can use the same resources at once while maintaining data integrity and avoiding race events.

Multiple threads may access and alter shared resources concurrently without sufficient synchronization, producing inconsistent or inaccurate results.

The Importance of Synchronization:-

Consider a situation where several threads are attempting to increase a common counter variable. Without synchronization, two threads might concurrently read the value of the counter, independently increment it, and then write back the results. Due to this, the counter might not increase by the anticipated amount, which could result in incorrect computations or unexpected behavior.

Synchronization Mechanisms in Java:-

Synchronized methods and synchronized blocks are the two primary synchronization mechanisms offered by Java.

Methods that can only be accessed by one thread at a time are referred to as synchronized methods. The monitor of an object is locked when a thread enters a synchronized method, preventing other threads from entering any additional synchronized methods on the same object. This guarantees that only one thread at a time can use the synchronized procedure.

Blocks that are synchronized: Blocks that are synchronized provide you with more precise control over synchronization. You can synchronize particular code sections as opposed to the full function. When you want to avoid locking the entire process to improve performance, this is quite helpful.

One thread can only execute the enclosed code block at a time in a critical section created by a synchronized block in Java. When numerous threads are concurrently gaining access to common resources, this is helpful for guaranteeing thread safety. The following is the fundamental grammar for writing a synchronized block

   synchronized (object) {
      // Code that needs to be executed in a synchronized manner

 Synchronized blocks are defined with the term synchronized.

(object): Specify the object to which the synchronization will be applied inside the parenthesis. This item is frequently referred to as the "lock" or "monitor" object. It is employed to organize the synchronization of various threads.

You insert the code that you wish to run in synchronization across processes inside the curly braces. Based on the lock provided by the specified object, only one thread will be allowed to execute this block at once.

Compared to conventional synchronized blocks, locks in Java offer a more flexible and fine-grained method of managing synchronization. The java.util.concurrent.locks package contains locks, which provide more sophisticated functionality and synchronization control. Java offers the ReentrantLock and the ReadWriteLock as its two primary lock types.

ReentrantLock:-  A more potent substitute for synchronized blocks is the ReentrantLock. It offers more advanced synchronization features, supports interruptible and timed lock acquisition, and gives you more control over locking and unlocking. 

One thread may write to a resource at a time but multiple threads may read it simultaneously thanks to the ReadWriteLock synchronization feature. In situations where reads occur more frequently than writes, this might be more effective. The actual ReadWriteLock implementation is called ReentrantReadWriteLock.

The following are the key benefits of utilizing locks, especially the ReentrantLock and ReadWriteLock:-

power over locking and unlocking on a finer scale.

Support for conditions enables threads to wait until particular criteria are satisfied before continuing.

flexibility in the timing and acquisition of interruptible locks.

With ReadWriteLock, read-intensive scenarios perform better.

checking the lock's state, which is helpful for monitoring and troubleshooting.

But increasing responsibility also comes along with this increased authority and adaptability. Lock management may become increasingly difficult, and improper use may result in deadlocks or other synchronization problems. To prevent potential issues while utilizing locks, it's crucial to adhere to standard practices and ensure correct exception handling and cleaning.

Remember that Java also provides other synchronization mechanisms and concurrent data structures like Semaphore, CountDownLatch, CyclicBarrier, and more, each tailored for specific synchronization needs. The choice of synchronization mechanism depends on the specific requirements of your application.

The synchronized keyword in Java can be used to define synchronized methods. Only one thread can operate on a single instance of the class at a time when a method is designated as synchronized. When many threads are concurrently accessing the methods of the same object, this helps to ensure thread safety.

public synchronized void methodName( ) {
    // Synchronized method code

 Due to race circumstances and concurrent access concerns, when multiple threads access shared resources or data concurrently without synchronization, it can result in a variety of errors and unexpected behaviors. When the time or order of thread execution affects how anything turns out, a race condition has occurred. The following are some typical problems that can develop without synchronization:

Data corruption can occur when multiple threads read and modify shared data at the same time. For instance, if one thread reads the data while another is modifying it, the results could be inconsistent or incorrect.

Consistent State:- It's possible for threads to interact with shared objects without having adequate synchronization, in which case they might not be aware of any alterations performed by other threads. This may cause things to behave inconsistently or unexpectedly.

Updates made by one thread may be lost if they are overwritten by another before being transferred to memory in the absence of synchronization.

Deadlocks:- When two or more threads are unable to move forward because one is awaiting a resource that the other thread is holding, a deadlock has occurred. When threads acquire locks in a different order, this can occur.

Livelocks:- When two or more threads continuously modify their states in reaction to modifications in the states of the other threads, no progress is made.

Performance Problems:- Thread contention for locks can occasionally result in performance bottlenecks and decreased parallelism.

  class MRBL implements Runnable {
   // Implement the run method required by Runnable interface
    public synchronized void run() {
    for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
      // Print thread ID and loop index
    System.out.println("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " " + i);
    public class SynchronizedThreadExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Create an instance of the MRBL class
     MRBL obj = new MRBL( );
    // Create two threads, both sharing the same MRBL instance
        Thread thread1 = new Thread(obj);
        Thread thread2 = new Thread(obj);
   // Start both threads
        thread1.start( );
        thread2.start( );
    try {
    // Wait for both threads to complete
     thread1.join( );
     thread2.join( );
     } catch (InterruptedException e) {
     e.printStackTrace( );


     class CT {
     public synchronized void debug() { // Synchronized method
        for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
            System.out.println("CT " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " " + i);

    class MT extends CT {
    public synchronized void debug() { // Synchronized method
        for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
            System.out.println("MT " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " " + i);

    public class SynchronizedThreadDemo {
    public static void main(String[ ] args) {
        MT obj = new MT( );
        MT obj1 = new MT( );

       // Create and start the first thread
        Thread thread1 = new Thread(() -> {
            obj.debug(); // Call the synchronized debug method of MT class for thread1

        // Create and start the second thread
        Thread thread2 = new Thread(() -> {
            obj1.debug(); // Call the synchronized debug method of MT class for thread2
        } );

        // Start both threads


23 August 2023

Enum Keyword In Java - learngreen.net


Enum Keyword in Java

   The concept of enumerations plays a big role in programming. It's a way to organize a group of named things in a structured manner. In the programming world, especially in Java, there's a powerful tool called the enum keyword that helps achieve this. This article takes a deep dive into the enum keyword in Java, explaining its benefits, uses, and how it makes code easier to read.

An "enumeration," sometimes just called "enum," is a special kind of data type. It's like a list of named values, also known as "enumerators" or "constants." The main idea behind enumerations is to group related values together. Usually, these values are constants with specific meanings. Using enums to define a set of named constants can make your code easier to understand, and maintain, and less prone to errors.

In Java programming, an enumeration is a bit like a special class. Even though you don't create enums using the usual `new` keyword, they have many of the same features as regular classes. This gives enums a lot of flexibility. Just like with classes, you can give enums special tasks to do.

What makes Java enums unique is their versatility. They aren't just limited to holding named values; they can do much more. Besides being containers for constants, enums can also have behaviors and characteristics that make your code more powerful. They can be more than just labels – they can hold important information and perform actions.

However, there are some important things to remember about enums. Unlike classes, enums can't be expanded by adding more things to them. This means they can't become larger or more important over time. They also can't copy things from other classes. But even with these limitations, enums can still have their own unique abilities.

For example, you can give enums special instructions when they're created. It's like telling them how to get ready for their job. You can also attach specific information to each enumerator by using instance variables. Additionally, you can include methods within enums, allowing them to perform actions. This makes enums more than just placeholders for constants; they become dynamic parts of your code.

Enums can also be used in decision-making. For instance, they work really well with something called "switch" statements. These statements help your program make choices based on different options. Using enums with switch statements makes your code cleaner and more reliable because you're telling the program exactly what to do in each case.

In simple terms, enums in Java are like super organizers. They're great for grouping related things together in a neat way. While they can't become bigger or copy from other classes like regular classes can, they have their own unique talents. They make code easier to read, and they're a perfect match for making decisions in your program. So, next time you're organizing your crayons, think about how enums do something similar for your code!


  package Java;
   //Define an enum named "Day" to represent days of the week
   enum Day{
  //Main class to illustrate the usage of the enum
   public class EnumIllustration {
  /* Create an instance of the "Day" 
   * enum and assign it the value "WEDNESDAY"	 
   public static void main(String[] args) {
   Day obj = Day.WEDNESDAY;
   /* Print the value of the "obj"
    * variable, which is the day 


    package Java;
   /* Define an enum named "complexionsthings"
   * to represent different complexion-related things
    enum complexionsthings{
  // Main class to illustrate the usage of the enum
    public class Complexion {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
   /* Create an instance of the "ComplexionsThings"
    * enum and assign it the value "Orange"	  
    complexionsthings obj = complexionsthings.Orange;
   /* Print the value of the "obj" variable,
    * which is the complexion-related thing "Orange" 


21 August 2023

Wrapper Class In Java - learngreen.net


Wrapper Class

In the realm of Java programming, data comes in different types, like numbers, letters, and true/false values. Sometimes, we want to treat these basic types as if they were fancier objects, giving us extra abilities to work with them. Enter wrapper classes – these are like cool jackets that wrap around simple data, making them look and behave like full-blown objects.

Java programmers frequently work with several forms of data, including numbers, characters, and true/false values. By offering "wrapper classes," Java makes it much more intriguing. These classes provide our fundamental data types a little magic, transforming them into adaptable objects. Let's explore wrapper classes using some straightforward examples.

Wrapper classes act as our companions, helping us transform our fundamental data types (such as int, char, boolean, etc.) into elegantly attired objects. They enable us to employ these basic types as though they were superhumans wearing capes who could perform additional feats.

Because they are object-oriented, generic classes do not support primitives. Wrapper classes are therefore necessary because they transform primitive data types into objects, and objects are essential if we need to modify the inputs supplied into a method. Now let's examine the Wrapper Classes in more detail.

The java.lang package, which is part of the Java programming language, contains classes that are crucial to the design, the most important of which being Object and Class.

The values of primitive data types are therefore wrapped in or represented by Java wrapper classes, which are objects. A field that can contain primitive data types is included when a wrapper class object is constructed.

A Double type object, for example, contains only fields of the Double type, representing that value such that a reference to it can be retained in a variable of reference type. An object of one type contains only fields of that type.

Need Of Wrapper Classes:-
Imagine you have a magical toolbox filled with amazing tools, but there's a rule  you can only use objects, not plain numbers or letters. But wait, most of our data is just plain numbers and letters, right? That's where wrapper classes swoop in. They turn your regular numbers, letters, and such into objects, so you can use them with all those magical tools in your toolbox.

The user frequently needs to work with objects in Collections, Synchronization, Serialization, and other areas even though Java is an object-oriented programming language. Let's look at a few situations where wrapper classes are necessary.
To conduct the serialization, we must first transform the objects into streams. The wrapper classes can be used to turn a primitive number into an object.

Java is limited to calling methods with arguments. Because of this, the original value is unaffected if a primitive value is passed. The original value is altered when a primitive value is turned into an object, though.
Java uses multi-threaded classes for synchronization.
Java's collection framework only functions with objects. 
All of the classes in the collection framework are object-oriented, including Vector, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, PriorityQueue, ArrayList, TreeSet, LinkedList, and ArrayDeque.

There are helpful classes for interacting with objects in the java.util package.

Autoboxing :-
It is the operation that convert primitive data type into objects with the proper wrapper classes. It transforms primitive type byte to Byte,
boolean to Boolean char to Character, double to Double, float to Float, long to Long and short to Short. The difference between primitive and wrapper types lies in their naming conventions. Primitive types are denoted with lowercase letters and often have short forms, whereas wrapper classes use their full names with the initial letter capitalized.

The process of instantly converting a wrapper type into its primitive type counterpart is known as unboxing. It's autoboxing done backward. Since Java 5, we are no longer required to convert wrapper types to primitives using the intValue() method of the wrapper classes. For instance, double to double, integer to int, and so forth.

The Java compiler uses unpacking when an object of a wrapper class is used as a parameter to a function that expects a value of the corresponding primitive type or when it is assigned to a variable of the corresponding primitive type.

Wrapper Class Methods:-

typeValue( ) – Converts a specific Number object's value to the returned primitive data type.

compareTo( ) compares the argument with the Number object.

equals( ) verifies that the Number object matches the supplied argument.

Returns an Integer object with the value of the provided primitive data type for valueOf( ).

Returns String object with the value of the supplied Integer type parameter using the
 toString( ) method.

parseInt( ) returns a value of the specified String representation as an Integer type.

The function decode( ) converts a String into an integer.

When comparing two inputs, min() delivers the lower number.

When comparing two inputs, max( ) returns the larger number.

round( ) - Depending on the method return type, returns the closest round off of an int or long value.

 //Integer Wrapper Illustration
 package Java;
 public class WrapperIllustration {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 // Wrapping an int into an Integer	 
 Integer Number = new Integer(85);
 //Unwrapping: Converting Integer back to int
 int uwNumber = Number.intValue();
 // Output-> 85
 //          85


 //Character Wrapper Illustration
  package Java;
  public class CharacterWrapperIllustration {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  // Wrapping a char into a Character
  Character Letter = new Character('X');
  //Unwrapping: Converting Character back to char
  char uwLetter = Letter.charValue();
  // Output-> X
  //          X        


    //Boolean Wrapper Illustration
   package Java;
   public class BooleanWrapperIllustration {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
   // Wrapping a boolean into a Boolean	 
   Boolean Flag = new Boolean(true);
   // Unwrapping: Converting Boolean back to boolean
   boolean uwFlag = Flag.booleanValue();
   //Output-> true
   //         true


   package Java;
   public class WrapperMethod {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
   String str = "852";
   //Converts string to Integer
   Integer ParsedInt = Integer.parseInt(str);
   //Print the parsed Integer value
   //Output-> 852


 // Autoboxing & Unboxing Illustration
  package Java;
  public class AxUx {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  // Autoboxing: int to Integer
  Integer boxedInt = 35;
  // Unboxing: Integer to int
  int unboxedInt = boxedInt;


   //Comparison using Wrapper Method
    package Java;
    public class CNW {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Integer num1 = 8;
    Integer num2 = 28;
   //Compare two Integer objects
    int result = num1.compareTo(num2);


  //Handling Null Values
    package Java;
    public class WN {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Declare an Integer variable and assign it a null value	 
   Integer missingNum = null;
   //Check if the missingNum variable is null
   if (missingNum == null) {
   /* If the variable is null, print a message
    * indicating the number is missing 
	 System.out.println("Number is missing");

The benefits of  Wrapper classes:-

Object-Oriented Capabilities:-

You can treat primitive data types as objects by utilizing wrapper classes. This entails that you can use inheritance, call methods on them, and other object-oriented characteristics.


Some Java libraries and APIs require objects rather than primitives. Wrapper classes, which enable the use of primitives as objects in such situations, aid in bridging this gap.

Handling Null Values:-

Primitive data types cannot represent null values; however, wrapper classes can. When you need to express the lack of a value, this is extremely helpful.


In Java, the primitive data type is contained within the class object via wrapper classes.Wrapper classes for Java are contained in the java.lang module. The Java Collection Framework's data structures, like ArrayList, only store objects; they do not store primitive types. The processes of autoboxing and unpacking convert simple data types into objects and back again. Instances of wrapper classes can be useful in a number of situations, such as synchronization, serialization, collections, and so forth. The primitive data type int does not allow us to assign an instance of the Integer class to null.