08 July 2023

How Abstract class works In Java - learngreen.net

 In Java, an abstract class is a special  class that cannot be used to create objects directly. Instead, it provides a template or example for copying other classes. It is designed to be extended with subclasses that provide specific instructions for how the abstract class works. 

 An abstract class is a special  class that has the word "abstract" in its declaration. For example, a class called MyClass that is not directly accessible. An abstract class is a unique  class that can have methods without any real code. Subclasses must create their own versions of all methods required by the abstract class. Subclasses must make their own versions of any methods  not fully defined in the abstract class. 

 Abstract methods are a type of special method declared with a specific keyword called "abstract". They are empty and  contain no instructions or computer commands.  Abstract classes can have  clear and well-defined methods called concrete methods. These methods  set behavior that can be shared with lower classes. Concrete methods are ordinary methods that do not contain the word "abstract". 

Objects of an abstract class cannot be created using the "new" keyword because abstract classes cannot be instantiated directly. But you can use a generic class to talk about specific objects of that specific type. Abstract classes are made to complement other classes. When a subclass extends an abstract class, it must create its own versions of all  methods defined by the abstract class, but those versions need not  contain the actual code. If a subclass does not have code for specific abstract methods, it must also  be marked as "abstract". Abstract classes are usually used to create a common layout for a group of similar classes. They also provide certain features or functions that are already configured for use. They help reuse code  and ensure that subclasses follow a certain format. 


 Simply put, an abstract class in Java is like a blueprint for other classes. It does not work by itself and  needs other classes to modify it with certain methods. This helps you establish a common way of doing things and gives you a starting point for  subclasses.

How Abstract class works In Java?

// Abstract class Syntax

abstarct class Space
     int address;

 // Abstarct method

 abstract void city( );



package Interview;
 //create abstract class
 public abstract class Rain{
/* create abstract methods
 * start and stop	 
 abstract void start();
 abstract void stop();
 //create nested class city
 public static class City extends Rain {
 /* Declared methods start and stop
  * from abstract class Rain	 
 void start() {
 System.out.println("Rain started");
 void stop() {
 System.out.println("Rain Stopped");	 
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 //create object of class city	 
 City obj = new City();
 //call methods start and stop
 /* Output->
  * Rain started
  * Rain Stopped


 package Interview;
 // Create abstract class
 public abstract class He {
 // Create abstract method MethodA	 
 abstract void MethodA();
 /* Create nested class You
  * which extends the He class
 public static class You extends He {
 /* Implement the abstract method	
  * MethodA from the He class 
 public void MethodA() {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 /* Create an object of
  * the nested class You
  * using the enclosing class name		 
 He.You obj1 = new He.You();
 /* Call the overridden MethodA 
  * from the You class
 //Output:- Message


 package Interview;
 // Create Abstract class
 /* This program is about
  * abstract class having
  * no abstract method
 public abstract class Mother {
 /* Create Method working
 * (Not an abstract method) 
 public void Working () {
 ("Method working called");	
 /* create Nested class daughter
  * which extends superclass Mother 
 public static class
 daughter extends Mother {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 daughter obj = new daughter();
 // Method working called


 package Interview;
 /* This program is about
  * we can call static method
  * of abstract class in main
 //create abstract class
 public abstract class LG {
 //create static method	 
 static void method() {
 System.out.println("Method calling"); 
 public class son extends LG {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 /* called static method
  * defined in abstract class LG
  * (Superclass)	 
 //Output-> Method calling


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