An array is a unique object that can contain the factors of an ordered collection. The kind of array element is known as the base type of the array; the number of elements it includes is a fixed attribute known as length. Java supports all primitive and reference types.
The fundamental array syntax is very similar to that of C++. We create an array of the detailed length and get entry to the elements with the index operator [ ]. Unlike different languages, arrays in Java are authentic high-quality objects. An array is an instance of an extraordinary Java array classification and has a corresponding type in the type system. With this ability that to get the right of entry to an array, like any different object, we first declare a variable of the fabulous kind and then create an instance of it for the usage of the new operator.
Java implicitly creates a distinctive array class kind for us on every occasion we declare a new array type. You do not always want to recognize about this method to use arrays, however, it will help you apprehend their shape and relationship to other Java objects later. Java lets us use the[ ] operator to access array elements so that arrays look the way we anticipate them to. We should enforce our very own classes that act like arrays, however, we have to settle for strategies like get( ) and set( ) rather than using the extraordinary [ ] notation.
Java presents an equivalent one-of-a-kind form of the new operator that lets in us to construct an array instance of a given length with [ ] notation or to initialize it immediately from a structured list of values.
An array-type variable is denoted by means of a base type followed by means of the empty brackets [ ].
int [ ] numbers;
In each case, numbers (Array variable) are declared as an array of integers. The measurement of the array is no longer yet trouble because we are declaring solely the array type variable. We have now not yet created a proper occasion of the array class, with its associated storage. It’s no longer even possible to specify the length of an array when declaring an array type variable. The measurement is strictly a feature of the array object itself, not a reference to it.
Creation of Arrays and initialization:-
For creating an instance of an array new operator is used. We specify the base type of the array and its length in square brackets after the new operator as follows.
int [ ] numbers = new int [8];
// base type is int
// Array variable is numbers
// Size(length) of array is 8
Array index always starts with zero. Hence in the above code, the first element of the number [ ] is zero and its last element is 7.
The default value of each element in an array is always null until we assign value to that element as follows.
String names [ ] = new String [3];
names [0] = "Ram";
names [1] = "Shyam";
// names [2] == null
Creating an array using Array Literal:-
In Java, an array literal is a shorthand used to create and initialize an array with specific values directly in the source code. This makes it possible to define the table and its elements concisely and clearly.
An array literal is represented by a comma-separated list of elements in { } braces. The values in the brackets correspond to the elements of the table, and the elements are automatically assigned to the corresponding positions in the table according to their order in the letter.
Syntax of an Array Literal:-
dataType[ ] arrayName = {Element1, Element2, Element3, ...};
// dataType-> data type of an element which will stored in the array
// arrayName-> Array variable name
// Example on Array Literal
package Java;
public class ArrayLiteral {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Initialize an integer array
int [] digits = {8,5,4,7,9 };
//Use for loop to print the array
/* "digits.length" is a property of
* array variable 'digits' which gives
* the number of elements(length)
* in the array.
for(int i=0; i<=digits.length;i++) {
System.out.print(digits[i]+ " ");
//Output-> 8 5 4 7 9
Accessing Array Elements:-
Array index starts from zero and ended up at array length minus 1. In the below example if we have to access element 5 then we have to write the index number (digits[2]) of that element.
package Java;
public class ArrayLiteral {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Initialize an integer array
int [] digits = {8,5,4,7,9 };
// 8
// 5
// 4
// 7
// 9
Accessing an array Length:-
We use the length property of the array to access the length of the array Below example shows how to access the length of an array.
package Java;
public class ArrayLG {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Create string Array words with size 3
String [] words = {"Ram","Laxman","Shyam"};
//Accessing array Length using property length
//Output-> 3
Multidimensional Arrays:-
An array of arrays is a multidimensional array. When we want to store data in a tabular form, such as a table with rows and columns, multidimensional arrays are helpful.
Each array should be added within its own set of curly braces to form a two-dimensional array.
package Java;
public class MA {
public static void main(String[] args){
//Create int array RandomNumbers with size 2
int[ ][ ] RandomNumbers = {{5,2,8}, {7,9,2}};
//Accessing the length of array RandomNumbers
/* Accessing the element 8(index number is 2)
* in the first array (Index number of
* first array is 0).
// 2
// 8
//Changing the Elements
package Java;
public class MA1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Create int array Numbers with size 2
int[][] Numbers = {{9,10,88}, {79,5,4}};
/* Changing value of element second 5
* to 2
Numbers[1][1]= 2;
// 2
Arrays Class:-
The "java.util.Arrays" class has different methods to work with Arrays such as sorting, searching, and filling. We will discuss more in detail about Array Class in Java in our next blog. Meanwhile, we will see a short code example of the sorting method of the "java.util.Arrays" class.
package Java;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class AC {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create int array Numbers with size 5
int[] Numbers = {8, 5, 9, 1, 2};
// Sorting the array in ascending order
/* Printing the sorted array
* using Arrays.toString()
//Output-> [1, 2, 5, 8, 9]
Array Exception:-
When we try to access an element that is outside the index range of an array, we get an error ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. This is a type of RuntimeException. Below is an example of an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error.
package Java;
public class AE {
public static void main(String[] args){
String [] Cities = new String[5];
try {
Cities[0]= "Delhi";
Cities[1]= "Bangalore";
Cities[2]= "Bombay";
Cities[3]= "Chennai";
Cities[4]= "Ahmedabad";
/* This will throw an Array
* ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Cities[5]= "Pune";
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error){
("Handled error:- "+ error.getMessage());
// Output-> Handled error:- 5
Array Clone:-
For creating a copy of an array we can use the clone( ) method.
package Java;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class CL {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] MainArray = {88,47,89};
//Cloning the original Array
/* Use the 'clone()' method to create a
* new array named 'clonedArray' which is
* the copy of MainArray.
int[] clonedArray = MainArray.clone();
//Modifying the cloned Array
/* Modify the second element 47 of
* MainArray with 84.
// Printing both Arrays
/* Array cloning creates a new copy with
* separate memory allocation.
// [88, 47, 89]
// [88, 84, 89]
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